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Writing my Dissertation

Currently in week 6 of my writing class.  My mentor is fantastic and giving me lots of latitude on my first draft.  I have tons of work to, yet it feels really good to be making solid progress. The literature review phase is probably the most wonderful part of the...

On to the next one…

Happy to report that I aced my final paper in my last class.  I ended the session with an A.  Now it is on to the next class on Contemporary Systems Management.  I just looked at the syllabus, and it appears that the instructor has included a heavy dose of my favorite...

My Latest Schedule

I revised my schedule again earlier this week.  Pending everything going well with my grade in Ethics and Political Acumen I will move on to my last two traditional classes. Contemporary Systems Management Architecture of Leadership I will fit a dissertation class in...

Why do entrepreneurs fail?

Why do entrepreneurs fail?

We could list dozens upon dozens of reasons on why entrepreneurs fail - lack of money, lack of customers, unproven business model, etc. But what is at the heart of those reasons? Lack of money doesn't cause people to quit.  It is a symptom. I know plenty of people who...