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The Secret to More Success

[youtube id="eE2QxuFDLrg"] I want to encourage you today with this quick thought exercise that could radically shift where you are spending your time and how much revenue you are producing. Click on the video above to check it out.

Classes – Holiday Break

I am happy to report that I am taking some much needed time off from my classes during our 2-week holiday break.  Classes start up in earnest on January 3.  If the gods of academia are with me this will be the last holiday break for me while I am attending regular...

The Venture Group Explained

The Venture Group Explained

[vc_column_text width="1/1" el_position="first last"] The Venture Group The best way to describe The Venture Group is to begin with what we are not. We are not a networking group This is not a place to find sales leads, and you are not expected to bring referrals It...

Psychological Capital

I ran across an article published in the Academy of Management Journal.  The primary author is Fred Luthans who hails from The University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  I stumbled across the article when I was doing some research for class. It has been a game-changer for me. I...

How We Met

How We Met

Our paths have crossed at some time in the past 18 months. Perhaps we met when... You attended one of my 2 or 3-hour workshops in NC You saw me speak at Craft Content Nashville You purchased my book, Finding My Voice You purchased a seat at my full-day The Sales...

Courage to Follow

It takes courage to discover who you really are and to live from that center. There is a story in one of the Gospels where Jesus, standing safely on shore, tells his soon-to-be disciples to give their fishing expedition one more try. This group was already dog-tired...

1 Shortcut to Scale Your Business

1 Shortcut to Scale Your Business

Information products Savvy business owners know the power that products have to jumpstart stalled sales efforts, create new relationships, and scale your business like never before. Nowadays it is so easy to create very high quality information products, a category...