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This Innovator’s Dilemma

The most vexing question in my entire doctoral program was not posed to me by a professor.  Instead, it was forced upon me by situation. "What is the topic for my dissertation?" I can't tell you how much sleep I have lost over this question.

I Was Not Alone

I Was Not Alone

On my teaser slide that I placed on the home page I said "What I learned while teaching 4500 people to use Salesforce".  Let me add this disclaimer:  I was not alone on this project.  The thought of one person taking on that much work is laughable.  There were three...

How the Last Class Ended

In my last post I mentioned how I had a considerable portion of my grade hanging in the balance during the last week of class.  It ended well.  I took a risk on my final assignment, and the professor liked it.  I received the grade I was looking for, and moved on to...

Give Your Kids A Boost of Confidence

I was reading the book "The Genius in All of Us" by David Shenk today.  It is a fantastic book that breaks several myths about talent and how much of it we can expect to inherit from our parents.  The good news is that talent is something that everyone can develop....

An Amazing 12 Month Resume Builder

My wife has done a fantastic job over the past 12 months at the Animal Care and Control division of the Charlotte-Mecklenberg Police Department.  Check out her site at for more details.  If you are short on time, just check out the first post or...

Join the Y

Exercise more.  It sounds simple enough, doesn't it?  Lose weight.  Get in shape.  Feel better about yourself.  I haven't belonged to our local YMCA for several years.  I think we let our membership expire about a month after our daughter was born.  She'll be five...