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Your Work Can Right Social Wrongs

Your Work Can Right Social Wrongs

This is the 3rd post in a series that I am writing on God's redeeming our every day work lives (article 1 and article 2).  The series started when I came across a presentation by Dr. Denise Daniels of Seattle Pacific University. After the fall came redemption, and...

Five Sales Leads in Less Than an Hour

Five Sales Leads in Less Than an Hour

Sixty Minutes to Better Head Space In about an hour you can completely transform how you feel about yourself and how you feel about your business.  In an earlier post I mentioned how I was going to help a client find some opportunities by going door-to-door in a local...

Sales Managers: How to Get What You Want

The Secret to Motivating Employees Toward Peak Performance From time to time we are lucky enough to hire a shooting star, that one employee that is worth 5 or 10 regular players.  The holy grail, of course, is getting our regular players to perform like shooting...

What Exactly Is It That I Do?

What Exactly Is It That I Do?

The Two Things Jason Does Best I am first and foremost a writer. This is how I develop my craft and hone my message. It is through writing that I start the process of putting my ideas into a form that I can take to market. I write so that people can benefit from my...