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1 Question You Need to Ask

[youtube id="3OafWfhXOCM"] Showing up for yourself, for your business, and for your family are key ingredients to being a fulfilled entrepreneur. Today’s video contains one question you need to ask to guarantee your happiness. [reminder]How can you start showing up...

How to Recharge and Rejuvenate

[youtube id="u10VPsRwuys"]   Starting a new business or launching a new product can really wear you down. In this video you'll learn why it's important to take a break. This one is a short one, so click the image above to check it out.

What Lies Beneath

What Lies Beneath

My readers know I find joy in sharing my ups and downs as I build my business.  When I share about my struggles, it really seems to energize people who find themselves in my stories. For those of you who don’t know my story, I'll tell you the short version.  Years ago...

The Biggest Transformation of Your Life

[youtube id="UZlsygkWKxU"] This short video will help you grow more than any single activity you do this year. This quick exercise that you can do in less than a minute will lay the foundation to more success than you think possible. Click now to get started.

You Can Change the World

You Can Change the World

I knew the documentary Blackfish was a powerful story when I first wrote about it two years ago. What happened yesterday is yet one more reminder that people with a message can change the world. I believe this world-changing ability is available to each and every one...

It Is Never Too Late

It Is Never Too Late

I enjoy breaking myths -- especially ones that tend to hold us back the most. The one I want to address today is: You're too late. Sometimes this one also takes the forms of “You’ve missed your window” or "You're too old." In this blog I feel  I don't talk about faith...