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Setting the Stage

Setting the Stage

Before I go too much further I must first set the stage for you.  I feel that I need to explain a few things about the culture here.  If you have never worked in a sales organization much of what I will write will seem foreign.  The individual salespeople in this...

Team or Solo – Which Agents Produce More?

How Network Range Affects a New Agent's Success Rate There is a fair amount of drama involved In the age-old debate on team production versus individual producers.  Clients reportedly prefer the feeling and security of a team of advisors.  It gives the client the...

Don’t Do a Product Launch Without Reading This

Don’t Do a Product Launch Without Reading This

Experience is the best teacher. Last year I went all out on a product launch.  I had just purchased Jeff Walker's new book, Launch, and devoured it cover to cover. I HIGHLY recommend this book. If you are considering launching any kind of knowledge product, you are...

List Building That Actually Works

List Building That Actually Works

I Almost Quit Trying to Build a List As business owners we all realize at some level that getting a list of people's names and emails should be pretty important. Yet most of us don't do it. Seriously, one of the biggest things we can do to grow our business goes...

Get Back on the Horse

Get Back on the Horse

It happened again just this week. Someone reversed course on me.  Didn't do what they said they were going to do. I had been running a phone campaign pretty heavily all week in an effort to book speaking gigs and workshops.  I had a great conversation with one...

Following Your Call Leads To Healing

Following Your Call Leads To Healing

This is the second post in a series that I am writing on how God is redeeming work.  My major premise here is that originally intended for work to be productive, enjoyable and a natural extension of who you are. In my earlier post where I kicked off the series, I...